QIC Abstracts

 Vol.20 No.9&10, August 1, 2020

Research Articles:

Space-efficient quantum multiplication polynomials for binary finite fields with sub-quadratoc Toffoli gate count (pp721-735)
Iggy van Hoof
Multiplication is an essential step in a lot of calculations. In this paper we look at multiplication of 2 binary polynomials of degree at most $n-1$, modulo an irreducible polynomial of degree $n$ with $2n$ input and $n$ output qubits, without ancillary qubits, assuming no errors. With straightforward schoolbook methods this would result in a quadratic number of Toffoli gates and a linear number of CNOT gates. This paper introduces a new algorithm that uses the same space, but by utilizing space-efficient variants of Karatsuba multiplication methods it requires only $O(n^{\log_2(3)})$ Toffoli gates at the cost of a higher CNOT gate count: theoretically up to $O(n^2)$ but in examples the CNOT gate count looks a lot better.

Time evolution of entanglement in a four-qubit Heisenberg chain (pp736-746)
Hassan Pakarzadeh, Zahra Norouzi, and Javad Vahedi
The phenomenon of quantum entanglement has a very important role in quantum mechanics.  Particularly, the quantum spin chain provides a platform for theoretical and experimental  investigation of many-body entanglement. In this paper, we investigate time evolution of entanglement in a four-qubit anisotropic Heisenberg XXZ chain with nearest   neighboring (NN), the next nearest neighboring (NNN), and the Dzialoshinskii-Moriya  (DM) interactions. Calculations of the entanglement evolution of the Werner state carried out  in terms of concurrence for selected ranges of control parameters such as DM interaction,  frustration, etc. The results show that for the Werner state, DM interaction and the frustration  parameters play important roles. Furthermore, results show that the time evolution of the  Werner state entanglement may be useful to capture the quantum phase transitions in quantum magnetic systems.

Efficient reversible quantum design of sig-magnitude to two's complement converters (pp747-765)
F. Orts, G. Ortega, and E.M. GarzoŽn
Despite the great interest that the scientific community has in quantum computing, the scarcity and high cost of resources prevent to advance in this field. Specifically, qubits are very expensive to build, causing the few available quantum computers are tremendously limited in their number of qubits and delaying their progress. This work presents new reversible circuits that optimize the necessary resources for the conversion of a sign binary number into two's complement of $N$ digits. The benefits of our work are two: on the one hand, the proposed two's complement converters are fault tolerant circuits and also are more efficient in terms of resources (essentially, quantum cost, number of qubits, and T-count) than the described in the literature. On the other hand, valuable information about available converters and, what is more, quantum adders, is summarized in tables for interested researchers. The converters have been measured using robust metrics and have been compared with the state-of-the-art circuits. The code to build them in a real quantum computer is given.

Quantum-based algorithm and circuit design for bounded Knapsack optimization problem (pp766-786)
Wenjun Hou and Marek Perkowski
The Knapsack Problem is a prominent problem that is used in resource allocation and cryptography. This paper presents an oracle and a circuit design that verifies solutions to the decision problem form of the Bounded Knapsack Problem. This oracle can be used by Grover Search to solve the optimization problem form of the Bounded Knapsack Problem. This algorithm leverages the quadratic speed-up offered by Grover Search to achieve a quantum algorithm for the Knapsack Problem that shows improvement with regard to classical algorithms. The quantum circuits were designed using the Microsoft Q# Programming Language and verified on its local quantum simulator. The paper also provides analyses of the complexity and gate cost of the proposed oracle. The work in this paper is the first such proposed method for the Knapsack Optimization Problem.

On the depth overhead incurred when running quantum algorithms on near-term quantum computers with limited qubit connectivity (pp787-806)
Steven Herbert
This paper addresses the problem of finding the depth overhead that will be incurred when running quantum circuits on near-term quantum computers. Specifically, it is envisaged that near-term quantum computers will have low qubit connectivity: each qubit will only be able to interact with a subset of the other qubits, a reality typically represented by a qubit interaction graph in which a vertex represents a qubit and an edge represents a possible direct 2-qubit interaction (gate). Thus the depth overhead is unavoidably incurred by introducing \textit{swap} gates into the quantum circuit to enable general qubit interactions. This paper proves that there exist quantum circuits where a depth overhead in $\Omega(\log n)$ must necessarily be incurred when running quantum circuits with $n$ qubits on quantum computers whose qubit interaction graph has finite degree, but that such a logarithmic depth overhead is achievable. The latter is shown by the construction of a 4-regular qubit interaction graph and associated compilation algorithm that can execute any quantum circuit with only a logarithmic depth overhead.

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