QIC Abstracts

 Vol.19 No.3&4, March 1, 2019

Research Articles:

Quantum fast-forwarding: Markov chains and graph property testing (pp0181-0213)
Simon Apers and Alain Sarlette
We introduce a new tool for quantum algorithms called quantum fast-forwarding (QFF). The tool uses quantum walks as a means to quadratically fast-forward a reversible Markov chain. More specifically, with $P$ the Markov chain transition matrix and $D = \sqrt{P\circ P^T}$ its discriminant matrix ($D=P$ if $P$ is symmetric), we construct a quantum walk algorithm that for any quantum state $\ket{v}$ and integer $t$ returns a quantum state $\epsilon$-close to the state $D^t\ket{v}/\|D^t\ket{v}\|$. The algorithm uses $O\Big(\|D^t\ket{v}\|^{-1}\sqrt{t\log(\epsilon\|D^t\ket{v}\|)^{-1}}\Big)$ expected quantum walk steps and $O(\|D^t\ket{v}\|^{-1})$ expected reflections around $\ket{v}$. This shows that quantum walks can accelerate the transient dynamics of Markov chains, complementing the line of results that proves the acceleration of their limit behavior. We show that this tool leads to speedups on random walk algorithms in a very natural way. Specifically we consider random walk algorithms for testing the graph expansion and clusterability, and show that we can quadratically improve the dependency of the classical property testers on the random walk runtime. Moreover, our quantum algorithm exponentially improves the space complexity of the classical tester to logarithmic. As a subroutine of independent interest, we use QFF for determining whether a given pair of nodes lies in the same cluster or in separate clusters. This solves a robust version of $s$-$t$ connectivity, relevant in a learning context for classifying objects among a set of examples. The different algorithms crucially rely on the quantum speedup of the transient behavior of random walks.

Impossibility of perfectly-secure one-round delegated quantum computing for classical client (pp0214-0221)
Tomoyuki Morimae and Takeshi Koshiba
Blind quantum computing protocols enable a client, who can generate or measure single-qubit states, to delegate quantum computing to a remote quantum server protecting the client's privacy (i.e., input, output, and program). With current technologies, generations or measurements of single-qubit states are not too much burden for the client. In other words, secure delegated quantum computing is possible for ``almost classical" clients. However, is it possible for a ``completely classical" client? Here we consider a one-round perfectly-secure delegated quantum computing, and show that the protocol cannot satisfy both the correctness (i.e., the correct result is obtained when the server is honest) and the perfect blindness (i.e., the client's privacy is completely protected) simultaneously unless BQP is in NP. Since BQP is not believed to be in NP, the result suggests the impossibility of the one-round perfectly-secure delegated quantum computing.

Quantum complexity associated with tunneling (pp0222-0236)
Ofir Flom, Asher Yahalom, Haggai Zilberberg, L.P. Horwitz, and Jacob Levitan
We use a one dimensional model of a square barrier embedded in an infinite potential well to demonstrate that tunneling leads to a complex behavior of the wave function and that the degree of complexity may be quantified by use of a locally defined spatial entropy function defined by $S=-\int |\Psi(x,t)|^2 \ln |\Psi(x,t)|^2 dx $. We show that changing the square barrier by increasing the height or width of the barrier not only decreases the tunneling but also slows down the rapid rise of the entropy function, indicating that the locally defined entropy growth is an essentially quantum effect.

Windowed Fourier transform and general wavelet algorithms in quantum computation (pp0237-0251)
Guangsheng Ma, Hongbo Li, and Jiman Zhao
In this paper, we define the quantum windowed Fourier transform and study some of its properties, then we develop two useful operations called quantum convolution and `integral'. Quantum `integral' allows us to implement the integral transforms quantum-mechanically with a certain probability, including general wavelet kernel transforms. Furthermore, we propose an improved wavelet kernel transform for quantum computation.

Factoring on a quantum annealing computer (pp0252-0261)
Richard H. Warren
This paper is about quantum factoring all integers in an interval.  Our goal is to be able to factor all positive integers $N < 1,000$.  We reached this goal on a D-Wave 2000 qubit processor by minimizing $(N - (p \times q))^2$ by using one routine that calls the interface software dw.  We sized $p < 32$ and $q < 256$ as Boolean variables.  We factored seven semiprimes that could not be factored by the method in a 2016 D-Wave report.  We did not use information about the factors for a specific N. The inputs to our routine are $N$ and values for two parameters.

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