********************** Rinton Press Book 9x6 ********************** The style/template document is for Latex2e, which will allow authors to prepare manuscripts that can be brought directly into the Rinton Press production process for CRC titles, and preserving a lot of their structuring for the regular typeset books size [9"x6"]. This will enable more accurate production of page proofs, reducing your need during proofreading to locate typographic mistakes. The Rinton Latex2e class file and the sample coded files are located in the website in zip format called Rinton-B9x6.zip. Download and unzip this. Once unzipped successfully, you will find the following files: readme.txt : this file Rinton-B9x6.cls : Latex2e class file Rinton-B9x6.tex : driver file preface.tex : sample coded file for preface chapter1.tex : sample coded file for a chapter appendix.tex : sample coded file for appendices reference.tex : sample coded file for references index.tex : index data file generated using makeindex Rinton-B9x6.ps : sample typeset pages of the above The complete set of tex sample coded files was supplied to enable authors to use it as a template and for ready reference. With this class file you can use any package comes with standard latex2e distribution to avail different features. By default the system will update the recent section head of the page as a running head. If you like to have an alternate text for running head please insert the text with square brackets immediately after \section command (e.g. \section[Optional text for running head]{Actual section head}). In addition to the above, the following are the few general instructions, which are to be followed in coding your tex documents: a) Please ensure the quotation marks are paired correctly, e.g. "good quotes" rather than ''bad quotes``. b) Italicized words should not be done in tex's mathmode as this will result in unusual character spacing. Use the proper control sequence of "\it". c) Use a hyphen (-) for compound words (e.g. `two-dimentional'), an en-dash (--) to link numbers, nouns or names (e.g. 220--240 Volts, electron--positron collisions, Einstein--Rosen--Podolsky paradox), and an em-dash (---) to link sentences or clauses---this is what we would regard as a `normal' dash. d) The standard abbreviations are: Equation(s) - Eq./Eqs. Figure(s) - Fig./Figs. Reference(s) - Ref./Refs. Section(s) - Sec./Secs. Please spell in full if any of the above is the first word of the sentence. Also, use a fixed space "~" between the reference and identifiers (e.g. -- Fig.~1.1), etc. e) Latin words to be italized. e.g. : et al., a priori, in situ etc.